My personal interest in the field of consciousness comes from a desire to understand both the scientific and societal implications of this mysterious and complex field. Scientists and philosophers have pondered the fundamental questions of consciousness for centuries. But even now, research into what are the most robust basic theories of consciousness from a neuroscience perspective is still embryonic. The fundamental questions of our existence and their implications for us as a society are the questions that most engage me as a philanthropist. This is particularly so in this moment of global crisis, and on the heels of the exponential growth of technology radically shifting the human experience. I believe understanding consciousness is key to our long-term health as individuals and as a society, to better comprehending our human nature and how we best function together rather than apart, and to facing and solving the most fundamental challenges of our global existence.
I am only beginning what will be a lifelong journey into understanding this field and finding the extraordinary people and projects dedicated to these answers. I do not want to reinvent the wheel, and much prefer to identify opportunities for partnerships. We are after all better together.